Hello and welcome!
We are delighted that you are joining our ÉNDpae Support Group. We hope you will find lots of useful information through our website, our Facebook page and at our meetings (most of which are online).
We are also looking forward to having the benefit of your experience of living with Neurodevelopmental Disorder (prenatal alcohol-exposed) or Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, as it is otherwise known.
In order for us to help you, it would be of great value for us to have the information contained on our ÉNDpae Registration Form below.
It will help us to locate potential sources of help or information for you. It will provide us with information about where members are located should we need to post anything to you. It will also assist us when we need to compile statistical information with which to lobby politicians, advocate to NGOs, the Dept. of Health etc.
Yours sincerely,
Secretary ÉNDpae
ÉNDpae Registration Form
*This is just to flag up the skills of people who may want to volunteer at some stage. It’s not a commitment.